The Visual Plan­ner for Voy­a­ges and Maintenance


The visual planner for voyages and maintenance

Now new ver­sion 3.2.0 with enhan­ced usibility

Scheduler is an inter­ac­tive visual per­so­nal orga­ni­zer for sail­ors and motor boaters. It dif­fers from con­ven­tio­nal sche­du­lers mainly by its intui­tive pre­sen­ta­tion of the time and the appoint­ments in a con­ti­nuous time­line — just as the real time runs.
Scheduler is sui­ta­ble for plan­ning a whole year or a whole season, as well as seve­ral years or even a single trip.

Your plans (such as the summer sai­ling trip or the stay in the shi­py­ard) are crea­ted in Scheduler as pro­jects and the pro­ject peri­ods are marked in the time­line by color bars. Within a pro­ject you can enter as many appoint­ments as you want, the events. Events are linked to the pro­ject and are dis­played in the time­line by color bars arran­ged below the project.

The sec­tion of the time­line which is dis­played on the screen can be moved or zoomed by using but­tons or ges­tu­res. You can show only a few days, seve­ral weeks or months or a whole year. With Scheduler all your pro­jects are cle­arly struc­tu­red and dis­played. In the top level of the struc­tu­ring you will find the groups with which you can assign your pro­jects to various topics such as maintenance, voy­a­ges and regattas.

Dates from the Add-on Maintenance add-on and expi­ra­tion dates from the Add-on First-Aid Kit can be ente­red directly from the respec­tive Add-on into the cor­re­spon­ding group in Scheduler

Scheduler offers in addi­tion a list view of all pro­jects and events.

Of course, it is also pos­si­ble to print any sec­tion of the Scheduler time­line in dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons or to save them in a PDF as well as the new list view. So that you can share your plan­ning with your friends.

The time­line view of Scheduler 
The list view of Scheduler 

In the demo mode of Scheduler you can create nine ent­ries. Ente­ring a serial number con­verts your trial ver­sion of Scheduler into a full ver­sion with unli­mi­ted use.

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Logbook Lite
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